I got a lot of bitch slap from Mensa community for saying that I want to hire programmers based on IQ.
The high IQ are great programmers. There is no doubt on that. They are lawzy strategists though.
It is toward anyone’s best interest to support the belief that everyone should want the stuff they peddle especially if you can’t change what’s you’re peddling.
Hence, there we go. The ugly says that love is blind. The poor says women want love. The shag less says that women want loyalty. And the low IQ says IQ doesn’t matter.
It make sense for a low IQ to support that belief. For the high IQ to support the same believe that works against them? That’s not a good strategy. That’s the main flaw of most high IQ people and libertarians. Objective.
In fact, anyone of us seeing above normal effort to show one way should quickly feel that the truth is the exact opposite.
Even if it weren’t true, faith moves mountain. Non zero sum games require communications and honest signals. Signals decide which Nash equilibrium that’s focal and that decides reality.
When people believe in something they count on it, they bet on it, they wish it to happen. When enough people wish something happen, it happens. Imagine if everyone believe that VHS is the better system compared to Beta? Irrelevant of what’s true, VHS will be the standard.
Not to mention that we have government with power to criminalize or drive underground any acts that enough people believe to be “bad” and hence pretty much forcing the “good” alternative. Obviously things that truly are good can’t possibly need that much force. For government to came down from heaven invoking some will we should know for sure, the truth is the opposite.
That means, on typical terms, prostitution must be way better than marriage, porn must be way better than burqha, wealth must be way better than love, promiscuity must be way more attractive to women than loyalty, and IQ is a much better predictor of programming skills than degree. .
How do I know? Because something must be so good for it to be illegal in most countries while the other must be so bad that it’s encouraged in most. Otherwise, the market would have taken care of it and government would not have bothered doing their magic.
All right, I admit. It’s not 180 degree. More like 135 degree. For lies to be credible there must be some truth in it. The Nazi can’t just kill all the Jews. Nazi must kill some mentally retarded people first to convince the world that they’re getting rid the inferiors before they kill the Jews. The same way government would prohibit some really bad things first, like Cocaine, to convince the mass that they really mean for your best interest when they prohibit the much safer ecstasy. Government would prohibits some slave prostitution first before prohibiting high class escorts and concubinage, for example.
When we decide what’s best for others, we have very little intensive to be correct. Those little intensive should be overwhelmed by huge intensive to support beliefs and hence, Nash equilibrium that are favorable to us.
Every normal IQ people instinctively follow their feeling on this. The high IQ do not.
High IQ are great programmers. Period. Anything else is a lie. To lie against the interest of ones’ own self is idiotic. Hence, high IQ people are often idiots and hence mess up their life.
Should Truth Matter? is a post from: Free Market Forever